

If successful, you will receive a confirmation for payment completion. W ustawieniach musimy wybra plik Sekcja Pliki do. Aby si do niego dosta, wystarczy klikn przycisk, który pojawi si w lewej górnej czci okna klienta, a nastpnie na licie opcji wybra Ustawienia. Opcje dostosowywania pobierania Uplay znajduj si w sekcji ustawie.


Wait for a few seconds while your payment is being processed.ĩ. Dostosuj pobieranie i instalacj gier Uplay. Enter the OTP and click the “Submit” button in the “Authenticate Transaction” page.Ĩ. You will be directed to “Authenticate Transaction” page and a (text) message, the One-Time Password (OTP), will be sent to the associated contact number of your credit/debit card.ħ. Fill in the necessary details and click the “Pay Now” button.Ħ. Major milestone in the development of the global Trackmania esports scene, the Trackmania World Tour 2023 will take the game’s competitive scene into a fresh direction with a brand-new format built around 2v2 matches. The Trackmania World Tour will kick off on December 17, 2022, with the Showdown weekend. You will be directed to your card’s information page. INTRODUCING THE TRACKMANIA WORLD TOUR 2023. Select available type of payment (VISA MasterCard in our case), then click the confirmation check box and click the “Confirm and Pay ”button.ĥ.


You will be directed to the game’s store page. Open Uplay app, go to the Store then hover to the game you want to buy and click “See More”.Ģ. When using links on our site to make a purchase, we may earn an affiliate commission.
